101st Airborne Division Association

101ST Airborne Division Association
32 Screaming Eagle Blvd
Fort Campbell, KY 42223
United States

About the 101st Airborne Division Association

The 101st Airborne Division Association was formed on the fields of Europe in May of 1945 by World War II Screaming Eagles who wanted to ensure all those who fought wearing the Screaming Eagle patch would not lose touch with each other. It is a non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit soldier’s and veteran’s fraternity. We have chapters around the country who have their own Gathering of Eagles each month. Thousands of men and women have served with the Army’s famed 101st Airborne Division since it was activated in 1942 at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana and these soldiers have served in many places around the world. These places might have been stateside for training, in England, France, Holland, or Germany during World War II, or somewhere in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1965 until the division returned to the states in 1972. Many other soldiers have served with the division more recently in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti and the Sinai. Fort Campbell, Kentucky has been the division’s home for many years and will continue to be the National Headquarters for years to come.

Anyone who has been assigned or attached to the 101st Airborne Division anytime, anywhere, is eligible membership in the Association. There are currently more than 7,000 men and women on our active membership rolls. Friends of Eagles who have not served with the Division are also eligible for Associate membership.

Being a member helps preserve and strengthen friendships through annual reunions, chapter activities, and our quarterly magazine, the Screaming Eagle. You become part of all the great things we do and represent like our Screaming Eagle Foundation. The Foundation offers scholarships totaling upwards of $50,000 a year to family members of our members dating back to WWII. Additionally our Screaming Eagle Support Program provides monetary grants to assist the needs of the lower enlisted, active duty Screaming Eagles. Together members have donated over 1 million dollars to take care of our own.

JOIN THE ASSOCIATION TODAY. Click on the website button.
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